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Judul : Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Peningkatan Kemandirian Penerima Manfaat Program Kotaku dan Dompet Dhuafa
Tahun : 2020
Penulis : Prof. Dr. Ir. Aida Vitayala Sjafri Hubeis Prof. Dr. Ir. Pudji Muljono M.SiDr. Ir. Ninuk Purnaningsih M.Si,  Muhtadi
Abstrak :

The objectives of this research was to analyze the influence of external factors and program mechanisms on the
effectiveness of productive economic empowerment and the level of self-reliance of program beneficiaries in the province of
West Java. The research method used a survey through a questionnaire and was processed by the SPSS program. The results showed that the external factors, indicators of the role of religious values, the role of social values and market potential are categorized as high. While from the indicators of community support, formal and informal leadership are in the medium
category. In the program mechanism variables that have indicators including; program socialization, distribution of funds,
repayment agreements, sanctions and awards showed a high category. While the indicators for selecting business activities
are in the medium category. Furthermore, there is an indicator of the effectiveness of productive economic empowerment in
which there are indicators, namely the effectiveness of providing technical assistance and the effectiveness of capacity building
are equally high. The variable level of self-reliance of the beneficiaries of the program there are several indicators namely the
level of income, the level of business investment, and the level of business partnership are in the high category. Meanwhile,
when viewed from the partial influence of external environmental conditions variables on the effectiveness of productive
economic empowerment by 28.6%, the partial effect of program mechanism variables on the effectiveness of productive
economic empowerment is 32.7%, seeing from the simultaneous influence of external environmental conditions and mechanisms. program on the effectiveness of productive economic empowerment was 37.9% and the simultaneous effect of
the effectiveness of productive economic empowerment on the level of independence of program beneficiaries was 87.1%.

Link : DOI : 10.33007/ska.v10i1.1892
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