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Judul : Factors Affecting the Capacity and the Interdependence of Progressive Farmers in West Java Indonesia 
Tahun : 2020
Penulis : Prof. Dr. Ir. Sumardjo M.SDr. Ir. Siti Amanah MSc,  Yoyon Haryanto, Prabowo Tjitropranoto
Abstrak :

The limited number of government extension agents (PNS/THL-TBPP) is urging progressive farmers to play a role in extension activities. This study aimed to analyze the capacity and interdependence levels of progressive farmers as well as factors affecting capacity and interdependence. This study used survey design with cluster random sampling technique consisting of 224 respondents who represent progressive farmers in four districts (Bogor, Karawang, Majalengka, and Sukabumi) of West Java. Data were collected through questionnaires and in-depth interviews. Data processing used descriptive and path analysis techniques. The results showed that progressive farmers have good capacity in empowering farmers. Progressive farmers also have a high category of interdependence. This indicates that progressive farmers have the initiative and the willingness to realize their expectations (competitiveness), are able to cooperate with others in partnership, and have a high filter system in determining best decisions for farmers’ empowerment activities. Factors that positively affect the interdependence of progressive farmers are the capacity of progressive farmers, and followed respectively by community social capital, age, access to information technology, access to conventional information sources, and formal education level.

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