Judul | : | Development Strategies of Extension Service Performance using Importance Performance Analysis and Customer Satisfaction IndexMethods in Bondowoso, East Java, Indonesia |
Tahun | : | 2020 |
Penulis | : | Prof. Dr. Ir. Aida Vitayala Sjafri Hubeis , Dr. Ir. Amiruddin Saleh MS, Dr. Ir. Siti Amanah MSc, Budi Sawitri |
Abstrak | : | This study assessed the performance of extension services in efforts to maintain the food security of paddy-rice farmers households in Bondowoso, Indonesia. The farmers satisfaction with extension services is very closely related to the management of extension services that can be identified through feedback from farmers as users of extension services. This study was aimed to analyze the performance of extension services and promote the development strategies. The survey method was used to determine the level of innovation needs and availability of innovations through extension services as well as the level of farmer satisfaction with the performance of extension services. Data obtained from structured interviews with 200 respondents and the observation process. Data analysis used the Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) and Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) methods. The results of the analysis showed that the innovation needs of rice farmers in maintaining production and productivity, farming sustainability, self-development, and farm security are sufficiently available and quite following farmer needs. The availability of innovations that must be the priority of extension workers in the development of rice farming is on marketing the harvest, sources of financing, the quality of products desired by consumers, and opportunities for farmers to develop themselves by trying out innovations with other farmers. This result is strengthened by the results of CSI analysis which shows that rice farmers are quite satisfied with the availability of innovations in extension services. The strategy that needs to be developed in improving the quality of extension services is to increase the competency of extension workers in accessing technology and management of farmer groups. |
Link | : | http://sersc.org/journals/index.php/IJAST/article/view/27056 |
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