Judul | : | Bioeconomy Research Project |
Tahun | : | 2015 - 2018 |
Sumber Pendanaan | : | Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development – Germany (BMZ), CIFOR |
Tim Penelitian | : | Prof. Dr. Arya Hadi Dharmawan , Dr. Rizka Amalia S.KPm, MSi, Diyane S. |
Mitra Riset | : | University of Bonn Germany; CIFOR |
Detail Kegiatan | : | This project is contributing to the design of policies and measures that promote synergies between global bioeconomy development, forest ecosystem service provision, and poverty alleviation in tropical forests, specifically those of Brazil and Indonesia. This project aims to inform relevant international (European, German), Indonesian and Brazilian policy dialogues and processes that promote synergies between global bioeconomy development, forest ecosystem service provision, and poverty alleviation at tropical forest margins. |
Link | : | https://www.cifor.org/knowledge/project/PMO-00748/ |